Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blog #1: Top Five Sources of News and Information

In today’s society, it is absolutely vital to keep up with the world’s current events. Things are constantly changing in the world of politics, technology, journalism, and so much more. It is our duty as informed citizens to keep up with the constant updates and ongoing debates in order to protect the first amendment and encourage checks and balances amongst powers.

We all have a voice, but without context and unbiased sources, our voices will forever remain unheard. For this reason, selecting news sources plays a large role in our views and ability to speak up and defend what is right and true. 

Starting off strong, we have the viral video-sharing app, Tiktok. One typically would not classify Tiktok as a trustworthy or reputable news source, but in my opinion, Tiktok is unmatched in its ability to grasp the attention of viewers and relay information in a way that is concise and easy to recall. 

Like many other social media platforms, the issue of fake news runs rampant on the app. That is why I use Tiktok as a means of obtaining information but never as a source of reliability. I usually discover new information through the app then proceed to check its trustworthiness on a separate platform. This not only allows me to determine the credibility of the information shared, but it also gives me the opportunity to check a multitude of sources, thus granting me a variety of perspectives to take into consideration when forming my own opinions.

Moving on, I regularly check the Associated Press to stay in the know. The Associated Press provides reliable reporting with a neutral undertone. I often find myself gathering information from this online source because it is impartial.

It is a difficult task nowadays to find news outlets that are free of bias. For this reason, I often refer to the Associated Press because the information is stated matter-of-factly which allows me to form my own conclusions. The Associated Press's nonpartisan stance ensures even coverage of all topics discussed.
Next up is BBC News, a broadcasting company that reports on issues all around the world. Like the Associated Press, BBC News upholds a reputation of accurate and reliable coverage while also maintaining a mostly neutral tone. 

I enjoy reading BBC News articles because of its thorough reporting on world affairs. BBC is a great outlet to refer to when wanting to check up on current events and foreign affairs because it documents all aspects without including a lot, if any, bias. 

In addition, I frequently browse through the Wall Street Journal website. I started reading the Wall Street Journal because of my dad, who is an avid news reader. Although he was the one who initially influenced me to start reading the journal, I soon grew to like it for my own reasons as well. 

The Wall Street Journal is known for its ability to accurately relay information without bias. It covers stories from all different sides of the spectrum.

Finally, the last source I use is Reuters. I discovered this outlet in one of my classes last year, as one of my professors recommended it as a good source to cite. Since then, I've checked it from time to time when I want to learn more about a particular issue or when I have to write academic papers about specific events.

Reuters, like many of the other sources I've mentioned, is an unbiased news outlet. The coverage of Reuters is very well-balanced and easy to read, making it a great option for gathering quick facts and reliable information.

One thing I've noticed in writing this post is that most of the sources I read tend to lack bias, proving that I am the type of person who dislikes being swayed from one side to another. I like reading information that is stated as it happened, not as it was perceived. This allows me to form my own conclusions and create my own views which, in turn, helps make me into an informed citizen, so that I may fulfill my civic responsibility

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